
Showing posts from March, 2023

Reflection for my art portfolio module and Major Project

During this term for our art portfolio course, we completed a major project, I learned a lot through the process, and in each step I developed and improved skills like digital sketching on Sketch Up, doing research, and had a better understanding of what needs to be thought in an architecture project.  I think having developed those skills helped me have a better end result than last term,  and my ideas have developed a lot through the process from the initial stage to the end, of course, they were some challenges and mistakes which I had to fix and improve during the process but for that learning how in-depth research and information needs to be to put together a well structured architecture vision helped me understand that is a necessity to think of everything so that it is understood by someone else what a design will look like, how it is going to be sustainable, what materials will work best and a lot more.  With all this knowledge my project next term and journey nex...

Updating&Uploading my project on my website - Project Development

 Today I am going to be updating my wix website and uploading my architecture boards for my major project   First I opened my website on edit mode  then I clicked on 'pages and menu' on the left toolbar, clicked on the circle with the three dots next to my added page for my new project and clicked on 'rename', and changed the previous name Tangled to my new one Intercon  Then I changed the background by clicking on the page and then clicked on 'change section background'. Then I clicked on 'image' and selected a picture from the available options since I don't have good personal pictures of architecture to use. Then I clicked on 'elements' from the left toolbar and then on 'gallery'  and chose a template for my boards. After I clicked on it and clicked 'change images' , I deleted the template picture and elected mine by clicking on 'add image'  After I selected each one, I gave them titles and descriptions. After the i...

References/links board

Word Architecture (2006-23) (online image) available from:   (accessed 7 March) Hey Explorer (2023) (online) available from:,town%2C%20and%20its%20cultural%20wealth.   (accessed 1 March) (2023) (online) available from:,regional%20offices%20in%20the%20city.    (accessed 1 March) World population review (2023) (online) available from:   (accessed 1 March) Worldometer (no date) (online) available from:

Creating my boards - Board 7 Floorplans/dimensions - Project development

This is the process of creating my seventh board using Photoshop for my project. This board will be about my floorplans and dimensions.                                First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left    I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page. I added the same coloured stripes at the top and left of the page with the "rectangle tool" from the left toolbar. I applied the colours by clicking on each stripe and then going to the right toolbar settings and clicking on "fill" and then chose the colours I wanted. After I added my titles using the "T" icon tool from the left toolbar, I used the font " Castellar" in 30pt. I placed the titles on top of the stripes at the left and top of the page. Then I clicked on "file" at the top left corner and then on "open", then on "on your computer" and chose the file for the images.  Afte...

Creating my boards - Board 6 Parking lot - Project Development

 This is the process of creating my sixth board using Photoshop for my project. This board will be about the parking lot.        First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page. Then I added the same coloured stripes with the "rectangle tool" from the left toolbar. I applied the colours by clicking on each stripe and then going to the right toolbar settings and clicking on "fill" and then chose the colours I wanted. After I added my titles using the "T" icon tool from the left toolbar, I used the font " Castellar" in 30pt. I placed the titles on top of the stripes at the top and bottom of the page. Then I clicked on "file" at the top left corner and then on "open", then on "on your computer" and chose the file for the images.  After that, I selected the images with the "rectangular marquee...

Creating my boards - Board 5 design information - Project Development

This is the process of creating my fifth board using Photoshop for my project. This board will be about adding more information about the design.                                First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left                                I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page.                Then I added some coloured stripes again with the "rectangle tool" from the left toolbar. I applied the colours by clicking on each stripe and then going to the right toolbar settings and clicking on "fill" and then chose the colours I wanted. After I added my titles using the "T" icon tool from the left toolbar, I used the font " Castellar" in 30pt. Then I clicked on "file" at the top left corner and then on "open", then on "on you...

Creating my boards - Board 4 Elevations - Project Development

   This is the process of creating my fourth board using Photoshop for my major project. This board will be about my building elevations.                                First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left                                                                                                                   I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page.                                                         ...

Creating my boards - Board 3 Sustainability/Materials - Project Development

 This is my process of creating my third architecture board using Photoshop for my major project. This is about the sustainability and materials information.                                   First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left  I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page. Then I added the same coloured stripes with the "rectangle tool" from the left toolbar, again rearranging them a bit differently.  After I added text using the "T" icon tool from the left toolbar, I used the same fonts " Castellar" for titles and "California FB"" for the text.  After I was done with my texts and placed them where I wanted I spell-checked them by clicking on "edit" from the left corner of the top setting bar and then clicked on "check spelling". Lastly I added two picture by clicking on "file" at the top left corner and then on "open...

Creating my boards - Board 2 Location - Project Development

 This is the process of creating my second board using Photoshop for my major project. This board is location, demographics, and accessibility.                                First, I opened my account and clicked on "new file" at the top left                                                        I clicked on "print", "A3" and then landscape mode to open the new page. I added again some colour with the "rectangle tool" from the left toolbar to create the stripes with the same colour palette as the last board, this time I chose a different placement to avoid repetition. I then added text using the "T" icon tool from the left toolbar, I used the same fonts "Castellar" for titles and "California FB" for the text.   I clicked on "file" at the top left co...