Tell me a story - Development Exercice
Once upon a time, there was a haunted island, only a few people lived there and amongst those locals, there was an architect who wanted to create something new and a never seen before structure for his people. Often he would see the spirits hidden deep in the jungle and when they would visit his and the people's houses but when big waves were near they would get scared and disappear. He watched the big waves hit the shore and he got inspired by the effect the waves had on the spirits so he decided to design a wave-shaped building that would help their land to be free of those spirits. He wanted it to be like a real huge wave, frozen in time that would also invite people to visit their island from all over the world just to see it. For that reason, the building would be like their own special view sight and scare the spirits away, as well as a workspace for the locals and anyone else who would decide to move and work there.
"The great wave of Kanagawa" by Hokusai
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