Developing sketches part 2 - Project Development

 Through the development process, I decided to choose the wave-building concept for my project. So this is how I developed the design furthermore. 

In some of these images, I'm trying to change the structure to make it curvier as a wave.

In this image I pulled the glass part of the building inwards, to create a narrow scape/canopy on the wave exterior of the building.

In these next 2 images, I tried to change some details like adding a terrace at the top level and making the top end more pointy instead of squared edges to see what it would look like. 

This was part 2 of developing my sketches where I tried to focus more on the wave part of the building. After already having completed this I noticed some similarities in the design with another student's older design so in the part there will be the process of trying to change the structure based on some research.  


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