Editing designs: Photoshop

   Today i will be editing my architecture design and floor plans using Photoshop for my major project 

                                                  First i opened Photoshop .

I clicked 'new file' on the top left , clicked on 'print' and selected an A3 page in landscape.

 I selected my image by clicking on 'file' and 'open', 'on your computer' and then selected my image from my files.

Then for the editing i just selected the crop tool on the left side toolbar and cropped my image to the size i wanted , i also used a sharpened filter by going on 'filter' on the top toolbar and selecting 'sharpen'.

I did the same process for the rest of the pictures as i didn't want to edit my images too much. I cropped them and sharpened a little bit the resolution. Here are the picture to show that.

                                  These are the final results which will be included on my board .


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